Message from Graeme
We want to give students the best opportunity to experience and learn about the therapeutic benefits and uses of genuine vibration massage not massage guns. We do this three main ways:
We want to give students the best opportunity to experience and learn about the therapeutic benefits and uses of genuine vibration massage not massage guns. We do this three main ways:
Vibration massage is where the head/pad of a vibration massager is placed on the surface and sends in therapeutic vibrations the way ultrasound does.
This diagram summarises the proven effects of therapeutic vibrations. For more information please see The scientifically proven effects of vibration massage- with clinical applications .
We wish to differentiate genuine vibration massagers from percussion massagers or massage guns as much as possible. Vibration massagers sit on the surface and send in therapeutic vibrations (like ultrasound does) whereas percussion massagers drive their heads in like jackhammers. Because of this:
Therefore you will find genuine vibration massagers to be far more effective and more comfortable.
A few years ago we were looking for something we could recommend for patients to use at home but could not find anything we were happy with. At the same time my expensive underperforming professional massager kept on breaking down and needing repairs. I built my own machines, making them robust and easy enough for patients to use, but perform really well so I could though the thing I was using in the bin. I started supplying a few colleagues, and since then it has grown. Please see this video of myself demonstrating our machines.
The best way to learn this therapy is to have your own machine so we decided make available heavily discounted massagers for eligible students. Actually we are subsidising them :-) For details please see below.
We are very happy to supply universities and colleges with massagers for teaching purposes, no charge. We have supplied hundreds over the years for this. All we need is the university/college to contact us to make the arrangements.
We have always relied on colleagues recommending our massagers and telling other colleagues. Because of this we have never paid for advertising and so forth, enabling us to supply colleagues with high quality machines at very fair prices. If you could help us out by telling others and maybe sharing this page it would be most appreciated.
The purpose of the discounted massagers is to allow students who are likely to be able to make good use of vibration massage once graduated to experience this. The massagers were developed for use on musculoskeletal conditions which means that those studying Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Physiotherapy, and Podiatry would be eligible. However, there are other professions that deal with these, and vibration massage has other excellent uses such as those for sports and exercise, and even cellulite reduction. If in doubt please email us
We do require the course to lead to a significant qualification. A degree would be fine. A diploma in massage would be fine, but a short course would not. If in doubt please email us
Please see our Vibration massage usage guide . However, whether using the machines yourself or advising patients be aware that most people use massagers incorrectly and there is a mountain of misinformation. Most comes from people adapting conventional massage techniques rather than use those appropriate for vibration massage. For more information about this please see Common massager usage mistakes .
(Myofascial) trigger points
Does vibration help healing
The sports and exercise guide to vibration massage
Massage and trigger point therapy for shoulder pain
The practical guide to massage for cellulite
The easy way to release trigger points in your low back
How to massage fibromyalgia
Self massage and trigger point therapy for tennis elbow
Back pain: massage therapists miss the most important muscles
Massage for health and wellness
When managing musculoskeletal condition chronic myofascial changes such as (myofascial) trigger points) are a major challenge. A hand full of therapy sessions often gives relief, but returning the tissues back to normal requires regular therapy over a long period of time. Of course whether we do it or it is referred to a massage therapist this is usually beyond the resources and motivation of most patients. These tissues continue to affect biomechanics and posture, and relapses are inevitable.
Of course it’s seen as our fault for not fixing the problem. Being able to prescribe supplementary self massage using our massagers largely solved this problem. Please see this video where summarise how we did this.
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