Sunday 29th August, 2021

Is massage better than anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)

Doctor promoting NSAIDS
Despite the smiling face you will be shocked how ineffective and dangerous NSAIDS are

If you have back pain doctors doctors will most likely prescribe you medications, especially Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS) (1)⁠. However, the actual scientific evidence shows that these are not safe or effective. On the other hand massage is very safe, supported by reasonable clinical trial results, and in the one trial were the NSAIDS and drugs were directly compared the massage gave far better results.

Although science says that NSAIDS are inferior doctors prescribe them because drug company funding heavily influences every source of information they get, and if that’s not enough with the amount of money drug companies spend on advertising the media are not going to tell you otherwise.

The only other possible reason for prescribing NSAIDS is that they are cheap and convenient, but  we’ll show you effective self massage options that are convenient with no ongoing cost.

So you are properly informed about your back pain options, in this article we will:

  1. show you the trial where NSAIDS and massage were directly compared
  2. summarise the safety and effectiveness of massage
  3. summarise the safety and effectiveness of NSAIDS
  4. show you the easy to do self massage options

The trial where massage and NSAIDS were directly compared

In this trial a traditional Thai self massage was compared with the NSAID Ibuprofen (2). The details are as follows.

The patients

60 people with long standing upper back pain were given 5 days of either:

The treatments

  • 400mg of the NSAID Iboprufen three times daily, or
  • daily self application of self massage using a tool called a Wilai Stick. We cover this in the section of self massage options below.

What they measured

The researchers measured pain, plus functional things such as muscle tightness and head/neck movement.

What the trial found

Those receiving the massages had a good reduction in pain, and improvement in the the functional things such as head/neck movement. On the other hand those receiving the Iboprufen only had a slight improvement in pain and no improvement in the functional things

Summary of clinical trial results and safety for massage

Back massage by a professional therapist
Massage for back pain has been shown to be safe and effective

According to the reviews of the clinical trial results of massage therapy for back pain there have been several clinical trials. They have shown massage gives a moderate improvement and is incredibly safe (3-5).

Summary of the clinical trial results and safety for NSAIDS

While massage has been shown to very safe and moderately effective the clinical trial results and other scientific evidence shows that at best NSAIDS only give a small amount to short term relief, while being responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths and hospitalisations. Details follow:

Clinical trial results

According to the reviews of the clinical trials of the use of NSAIDS for back pain the results range from very small and not clinically significant, to small to moderate short term relief (1,6,7).

Safety of NSAIDS

As well as there being practically no evidence of being effective NSAIDS have a horrendous record of causing serious medical side effects and death. Let’s look at look at what NSAIDS do.

  • NSAIDS are responsible for 100,000 hospitisations a year. The medical cost of treating NSAID side effects is $4 billion per year. 16,500 people die each year from these side effects. (8)⁠
  • According to the USA FDA, 2-4% of those taking NSAIDS for a year will develop a symptomatic ulcer which may be life threatening. (9)⁠
  • 1-2% of NSAIDS users will become hospitalised, and the annual death rate is 0.08-0.22% (9)⁠
  • 50% of those taking NSAIDS will develop mucosal lesions which cause bleeding, ulcers and perforations. Patients can eventually die from these complications. (10)⁠
  • the newer “safer” NSAIDS are killing people too (11)⁠

Why ulcers caused by NSAIDS are so dangerous

NSAIDS cause bleeding ulcers in your digestive tract. The big problem is that while if you have a bleeding ulcer in your skin you can see the blood, but if a gastro intestinal ulcer bleeds the blood stays inside you and is digested, so you do not see it. Often the first sign is that you are either dead or being rushed to the emergency room.

Several of the reviews of NSAIDS recommend that to improve safety doctors be diligent in assessing patients receiving NSAIDS (12,13). However, a doctor will only realise if you have bleeding ulcers if they do invasive scopes or notice you are becoming anaemic. Despite the encouragement for doctors to be vigilant the facts speak for themselves.

Example: the UK record of NSAIDS carnage

The following chart sums up the safety problems of NSAIDS (15)⁠ Un the UK NSAIDS kill more people than car accidents, and send 12,000 people per year to hospital emergency rooms.

The media get so much drug company advertising revenue that despite this carnage it will not make the news and doctors will continue handing NSAIDS out like lollies.

Your self massage options

As you have seen massage is totally superior to taking NSAIDS for back pain, but using professionals for ongoing regular massages can be expensive. The good news is that there are excellent self massage options that are effective and very safe. Let us look at your options.

Foam rolling for back pain
Although heavily marketed the clinical trial results for foam rolling are poor, with the results of unsupervised usage likely worse

Balls and rollers

Although balls and foam rollers are heavily marketed, as we discussed in our article Do foam rollers work , the clinical trial results of supervised roller use are way inferior to those for professional massage, while the results of unsupervised use are likely to be even worse. Because of this we do not recommend these.

Self massage tool: Wilai stick

Thai self massage

This is the massage that proved to be far superior to NSAIDS in the clinical trial. It is a traditional Thai self massage technique using a tool called a wilia stick, but there are plenty of tools that will do a similar job. This tool was used to apply moderate pressure to the tender spots in the back muscles. . We discuss this technique further in our article Massage and trigger point therapy for back pain .

Massage cushion

Chairs and cushions

These are massagers such as chairs, cushions and some feet massagers. In general, good quality versions can provide some reasonable therapy. Without the skill and knowledge of a professional therapist these are unlikely to be as effective and professionally applied therapy, but they do allow practically unlimited therapy.

Self massage allows for regular massages

Most therapies are more effective with regular applications over time rather than a once off application. Therefore, and long as they providing some reasonable benefits regular self massages can be as effective or even more so than an occasional professional therapy.

Vibration massagers (recommended)

These are devices that have a pad that sits on the surface and send therapeutic vibrations deep into your muscles. They are very effective, easy to use and extremely safe. For more information about vibration massagers and how to use vibration massage please see:

Massaging back with quad head massager
Using our quad head massager to massage back. You can easily reach because unlike massage guns these have proper handles

Most vibrating massagers are not suitable

You will need a genuine therapeutic vibration massager. Massage guns and personal massagers built for “consumer” use do not give vibrations that are sufficiently strong or at the right frequency. For more information please see our article: Why most massagers are a waste of money .

Because of this when looking for something for our patients we built our own. These are our:


DrGraeme massagers were originally built by Dr Graeme for use in his clinic, and to prescribe to his patients for additional self use at home. Now these are used by colleagues and other professionals for similar purposes. If you are a professional and wish to know more about this therapy, or possibly get a sample massager to trial please check out our practitioner page.

Appendix: how clinical trials can mislead

In this section I'll show you how drug companies use clincal trials to produce "evidence" that their drugs are worthwhile. The drug companies then use these trial results to "educate" doctors so the push them onto the public.

Overheating car
Clinical trials could show it was a good idea to duct the cold air from the airconditioner

The problem

To show how this works let me share with you an analogy between back pain and an over heating car engine. We know that the sensible way to fix an overheating car is for the mechanic to investigate the problem and fix what’s wrong. However, let's have a look at what would happen if the “clinical trials” methods were used to find a solution.

The opportunity

Because the problem is overheating the researchers would find a therapy to test and measure the temperature. A company that made ducts that redirected the air conditioner onto the motor would see to opportunity and fund a clinical trial of redirecting the air conditioner onto the motor. The trial would find that redirecting the air conditioner onto the motor lowered the temperature of the motors by 5 degrees.

Using the results to sell stupidity

The research would be published in the International Journal of Automobile Mechanics, then the Duct company would send an army of “advisers” to visit the mechanics and tell them about their wonderful overheating solution. The mechanics might even get an all expenses paid trip to a seminar (sale pitch) on overheating at a nice holiday destination. This all sounds completely ridiculous, except it’s the exact same technique drug companies do to produce favorable clinical trial results and educate doctors to recommend drugs


  1. Peck J, Urits I, Peoples S, Foster L, Malla A, Berger AA, et al. A Comprehensive Review of Over the Counter Treatment for Chronic Low Back Pain. Pain Ther. 2021;10(1):69–80.
  2. Wamontree P, Kanchanakhan N, Eungpinichpong W, Jeensawek A. Effects of traditional Thai self-massage using a Wilai massage stickTM versus ibuprofen in patients with upper back pain associated with myofascial trigger points: a randomized controlled trial. J Phys Ther Sci. 2015;27(11):3493–7.
  3. Kumar S, Beaton K, Hughes T. The effectiveness of massage therapy for the treatment of nonspecific low back pain: A systematic review of systematic reviews. Int J Gen Med. 2013;6:733–41.
  4. Cherkin D et. al. A Review of the Evidence for the Effectiveness , Safety , and Cost of acupuncture, massage therapy, and spinal manipulation for back pain. Ann Intern Med. 2003;38:898–906.
  5. Furlan AD, Brosseau L, Imamura M, Irvin E. Massage for low-back pain: A systematic review within the framework of the Cochrane Collaboration Back Review Group. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2002;27(17):1896–910.
  6. Enthoven WTM, Roelofs PDDM, Deyo RA, van Tulder MW, Koes BW. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for chronic low back pain. Vol. 2016, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2016.
  7. Chou R, Deyo R, Friedly J, Skelly A, Weimer M, Fu R, et al. Systemic pharmacologic therapies for low back pain: A systematic review for an American College of physicians clinical practice guideline. Ann Intern Med. 2017;166(7):480–92.
  8. Fine M. Quantifying the impact of NSAID-associated adverse events. Am J Manag Care. 2013;19(14 SUPPL.):267–72.
  9. Lazzaroni M, Bianchi Porro G. Gastrointestinal side-effects of traditional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and new formulations. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2004;20(SUPPL.2):48–58.
  10. Patrignani P et. al. Managing the adverse effects of nonsteroidal anti-infalmmatory drugs. Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol. 2011;4(5):605–21.
  11. Sostres C, Gargallo CJ, Lanas A. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and upper and lower gastrointestinal mucosal damage. Arthritis Res Ther. 2013;15(SUPPL 3):1–8.
  12. Cryer B. NSAID-associated deaths: The rise and fall of NSAID-associated GI mortality. Am J Gastroenterol. 2005;100(8):1694–5.
  13. Chou R, Huffman LH. Nonpharmacologic therapies for acute and chronic low back pain: A review of the evidence for an American Pain Society/American College of Physicians clinical practice guideline. Vol. 147, Annals of Internal Medicine. 2007. 492–504 p.
  14. Blower AL, Brooks A, Fenn GC, Hill A, Pearce MY, Morant S, et al. Emergency admissions for upper gastrointestinal disease and their relation to NSAID use. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 1997;11(2):283–91.
  15. Reported road casualties in Great Britain: provisional estimates year ending 2020. UK Dep Transp Stat release

We are continually adding more information on research and uses. Subscribe below to have us email them to you "hot off the press".

Dr Graeme

About Dr Graeme

Several years ago Dr Graeme, a Chiropractor practicing in Victoria, Australia was looking for a serious hand held massager his patients could use at home to get the extra quality massage they needed. The ones he found in the shops and on-line for home use looked nice but were not serious, and... read more

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