If you have pain from muscle knots you have a large number of options ranging from a variety of professional therapies through to several home remedies. When looking for your best option there are obvious considerations such as the cost, pain, and whether you like needles, but the most important is how effective they are. We’ve reviewed the clinical trials and scientific papers, plus 27 years experience as a chiropractor to give you the answers.
What we looked at to find the most effective
You would think that it would be easy to just look at the clinical trials to work out which gave the best results, but it is not that simple. Let us look at why.
In this section:
- No clear "most effective" in trials
- Trials consider pain rather than eliminating muscle knots
- The advantages of self therapy are not considered
- What we considered to recommend the best therapy
No clear most effective in the trials
It is hard to do a head to head comparison because the trials varied with things like the type and severity of the problem treated, how things were measured, and the number of treatments given. In general though most of the therapies gave similar results so there was no clear most effective therapy.
Do you want to eliminate the muscle knots, or just (temporarily) relieve their pain?
We found that most of the trials of the various therapies just measured whether they relieved symptoms, and not whether they eliminated the actual problem.
The advantage of having self therapy
A trial may show that a professionally administered and a self therapy are roughly equally effective. However, the self therapy will always give better long term results. This is because you will only have a limited number of professional treatments, whereas you are able to continue with the self treatment and have many more. The same principle will apply if a treatment is more pleasant. For example you are likely to have more “nice” massages than sessions of painful massages or needles.
What we considered to recommend the best therapy
To find the most effective muscle knot therapy for you the things considered are:
- Proven therapeutic effects on muscle knots
- Comfortable (or at least not unpleasant)
- Able to easily be self administered (convenient, affordable, able to have more treatments)
We were able to find only one therapy that fits all these criteria. In the next section we give you background information about what muscle knots are and what therapies do, or: