Using vibration massage for back pain

Trigger points and other muscular issues are usually a major factor in back pain, so using our vibration massagers can be very helpful. To help you with this we have an excellent video below that shows all the muscles involved and how to treat them. However, be aware that the cause of musculoskeletal pain syndromes can be complex, which creates two problems.

  1. There are other issues apart from trigger points and other muscular issues
  2. Medics typically ignore trigger points

Issues apart from trigger points

While massage may give great relief there are usually other issues that need dealing with, so we recommend you consult a professional who deals with these.

Medics ignore trigger points

Medics are taught to look for issues that they can use drugs and surgery on, so too often ignore trigger points even though they may be a major cause.

Help with this

To help you navigate these issues we recommend that you check out this article on the cause of back pain.

Video demonstrating massage for back pain