Self massage vs anti-inflammatory drugs

If you have back pain clinical trials show that massage gives far better results than anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). The only possible justification for taking the drugs instead is that they are cheap and convenient, but with your own vibration massager self massage is easy, convenient, with practically no ongoing cost. For more info about back massage for back pain please see our guide The easy way to release trigger points in your low back or the video below.

As a side issue, instead the medics hand out NSAIDS almost like lollies while claiming to be ‘scientific”.

  • In the only trial I could find where these were directly compared to massage, the massage produced far superior results.
  • In other trials massage has given reasonable results while the results form NSAIDS have been poor.
  • NSAIDS kill and hospitalise hundreds of thousands of people each year.

It is a general theme that doctors prescribe drugs in preference to other treatments, regardless of whether they work or are even safe. The drug companies have trained them well. For details please see Is massage better than anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) .