Fibromyalgia: how to treat the cause, not the effects (symptoms)
If you have fibromyalgia it’s highly unlikely that medical specialists will ever fix you. They’re treating effects not causes. It’s the... Read Article
What is the best treatment for muscle knots
If you are looking for relief from muscle knot pain you will be offered a wide range of therapies ranging from home remedies through to... Read Article
Muscle knot basics: what they are, what they do, and how to treat them
Muscle knots are those tender lumps in your muscles therapists find. They are arguably the biggest cause of musculoskeletal pain such as... Read Article
Muscle knots: causes, prevention and the best treatments
Muscles knots can make you feel stiff and tired, plus cause a host of muscular aches and pains. However, a lot of advice and treatments... Read Article